Holiday Driving
Did you know that one of the scariest days of the year for drinking and driving is the Wednesday before Thanksgiving? There are many reasons for this but the main reason is simply because people are on the road. Many businesses are closed on Thanksgiving, college students are home for the holiday, driving high schoolers are also out of school, plus there are a lot of people traveling to spend the holiday with family. This combination leads to the Blackout Wednesday before Thanksgiving as one of the deadliest days of the year.
Thanksgiving begins a new driving season that some refer to as DWI Season that continues through New Years. Law enforcement hit the streets to try to protect the public and bring awareness to the dangers of drinking and driving, but it is still up to us to follow the law. According to MADD, in 2014, 9,967 people were killed and approximately 290,000 were injured in drunk driving accidents. Don’t become one of these statistics.
Enjoy the holiday festivities with great food, drinks, and of course family and friends. If you plan on drinking, just make sure that you have made a plan on how you plan on getting home safely. You can designate a driver or even call a cab or uber.
Be careful driving during the Thanksgiving Holidays.